All Balls

All Balls
Haven't "LINKED" up in while - so that I would join in with the ladies above.....

1. If I could make anything grow on trees, it would be…
WOW - guess the logical answer would be money - money doesn't buy happiness - but it sure can't hurt!!  I would use it to find a cure for awful diseases and end the war. I, of course, would share with my family and friends!! 

2. I can’t stop smiling…
When I think of my GRANDANGELS - they bring me such joy - sometimes they are so silly and I love having memories of us laughing together.
3. I can get back to nature by .......
Walking ! Since my surgery I walk a lot - not always outside - that's a special treat. I love the alone thinking time. I love being outdoors with my family - God's world is a beautiful place!!
4. I dread washing........
Clothes - because then you have to dry them, then you have to fold them, then you have to put them away!! 

Link up with us at Three 31 Blog today!!!! stop smiling…