All Balls

All Balls

Three is never a crowd

I love these three men more than life itself !!

I have three of the most amazing men in my life. My husband - a top notch dad. He still amazes me in his ways. He was the best dad to my two (the other men in my life) boys. He taught them "stuff", he showed them "things", he listened, he disciplined, he got mad, he got happy, he was proud, he was disappointed, he worried (still does), he laughed, he cried,......he was the BESTEST dad in the whole world. Thank you honey, for a job well done!

My boys....the words can not express how so very proud of them I am. They have become such wonderful men and DADS. They brought me the most grand of grand angels. I am so blessed with them and OH MY GOSH - I could eat them with a spoon.

Love you guys to the MOON and BACK !!

A Walk in the Park

An impromptu camping trip to nearby Minerals Wells State Park...much needed and enjoyed !!

Took the girls with us....

We are standing in what should be under water.....

A walk along the shoreline

hitting the trails....