All Balls

All Balls

Back to my original plan....

As it goes, I am blonde...and so I use that excuse when I wander from my intended path. When I started this blog, along with wanting to be a "blogger" I also thought it would help me on my journey with weight loss. Seems, it is on everyone's mind. I just read my daughter-in-laws blog and remembered my original plan. (whew - blonde moment) I haven't written one blog about my weight loss (or lack there of). So - along with an occassional sidetrack, I will blog about my weight - loss - and hope it will help me along my path. Bear with me....
I started the infamous weight watchers 8 weeks ago. I have to be accountable to someone when I am losing weight and I have to know that someone else (any one but family that is) will see what I weigh. I pay a monthly fee to have this done. The first 6 weeks - 5 lbs. going, going, GONE! The last two weeks, 4 ozs. on, 2 ozs. off.....BLAH BLAH BLAH...
I am finding that the weekends seems to be my downfall. I do great during the week, even eating out lunch everyday. Walk 2 miles with a co-worker each morning (this helps to catch up on the office gossip)
and ride my stationery bicycle 2 -3 nights a week.
But, man o man, the weekends - is not working so well. Now the next weekend is approaching and I am having a family pot luck, game night, celebrate birthday Saturday night...WHAT'S A GIRL TO DO??

My weigh in day is Thursday - wish me luck ! I am open for any ideas. The WW plan is good, it teaches you portion control, healthy eating and the fact that you write down every morsel you put in your mouth (ooooppps, I forgot to do that part) helps you to realize how much you are eating. I am off plan, need to get on plan, must get on plan.....


  1. No.Fun.At.All! Lets start after spring break... :)

  2. I know how you feel, weekends are my downfall to! I do good all week then, boom weekend and i fall off the wagon! But I am proud of you!
    Love you!
