All Balls

All Balls
Its Ok Thursdays that all?? Link up with girls and join in - IT"S OK !!

It's ok ........

that I am tired - been working the early shift all week and I hate getting up at 5:00am!!

that I have been reading other blogs and seeing what is ok with them.

that I have decided to stop buying Route 44 cokes from Sonic on my way to work everday

that I love all my furbabies - even when they get me up 4 times during the night

that my horse all most ran me over when he saw us bringing him a new bale of hay

that I will have a 3 day weekend coming up

that my husband is working - again - 3 weekends in a row

that the whole Chick-fil-a thing was a great markerting tool for the company.....SUCKERS!

that I don't care what Chic-fil-a's stand is on marriages, or dating, or raising kids or anything else....

that if I want a Chick-fil-a sandwich I will eat one - IT'S A SANDWICH PEOPLE !!

that I love watching the olympics, even tho I already know the outcome

and that I got stole this from a friends FB page......

Have THURSDAY my lovelies !!!


  1. You got a happy Thursday. You have a happy family too. It is enviable.

    1. Thanks for stopping by..gonna hop on over to your blog! Please feel free to follow me!

      xo~ Sylvia
