All Balls

All Balls
Thanks to Pam at It's me Again...Pamela for the nomination.

Rules to follow:

* Include the blog award in your post.
* Thank the person who nominated you.
* Nominate 5 people and let them know you have done so.
* Tell 7 random things about yourself.

My nominees for the One Lovely Blog Award:

7 random things about me:

1. I want to go camping more often.
2. I dislike fashion blogs that show an outfit, and the clothing is not available (something from their "closet")
3. I watch Pretty Little Liars, Drop Dead Diva and Mad Men....if not, I dvr them
4. I would like to have more of "an eye" for crafting and scrapbooking
5. I am a morning person
6. I like Katy Perry and her songs
7. I am ready to retire


  1. Thanks for passing the award along to me! :-) I'm a morning person too!
